Categories: Health Information

When is it okay to give honey to babies?

Honey is a natural sweetener source with a distinctive brownish yellow color. Thanks to its sweet taste and the myriad of benefits behind it, honey is the favorite of many people, including babies. However, for those of you who have babies, maybe you often wonder is it safe if your little one is given honey from an early age? Is there a benchmark for the best age to introduce honey to babies?

When is it okay to give honey to babies?

As a parent with a baby, you may have to spend more time teaching and monitoring all things related to your little one’s growth and development.

Starting from inviting him to play, teaching him to talk, paying attention to the development of his behavior, to introducing babies to MPASI (complementary food for breast milk).

In addition to being given with breast milk after 6 months of age, solid food can also be combined with infant formula.

Well, one of the food sources that is often asked to be given to babies is honey.

This is because honey has a naturally sweet taste with a soft texture and a variety of nutrients to meet the nutritional needs of babies.

Not only that, according to the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), the decision of parents to give honey to babies is because it has several benefits.

The benefits of babies consuming honey, for example, can maintain the body’s power. A baby’s strong immune system can help him avoid various diseases.

On the other hand, honey is also often used as a traditional herbal medicine to relieve symptoms of cough and difficulty sleeping.

Symptoms in the form of coughing and difficulty sleeping are usually experienced by children with upper respiratory tract infections.

This makes many parents think that honey for babies is safe to give at any age. In fact, it’s not that easy.

According to the association of pediatricians in the United States, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the safest time to give babies honey is when they are 12 months or 1 year old.

The rules for giving honey to babies apply to both pure honey and processed honey.

In addition, this rule does not only apply to real honey in liquid form, but also to all foods that are processed with honey.

Therefore, choose products – products from Madurasa whose quality is definitely guaranteed. Pure and premium honey produced by Madurasa is guaranteed to be 100% authentic and processed without excessive heating so that it does not reduce the taste, aroma and benefits, so it is very suitable if consumed for your baby.


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