Interesting Honey Bee Facts
Honey is a syrupy liquid that honeybees make from plant nectar. Honey is loved worldwide for its sweetness and depth of flavor, it’s being used in many foods and recipes. Honey also has a number of potential health benefits and plays a role in many home remedies and alternative medicine treatments. The smell, color, and taste of honey vary based on the type of flowers it’s made from, so there are countless varieties available. Here are honey bee facts that make you love bees and honey even more.
1. Honey bees live in hives or colonies. The members of the hive are divided into three types:
- Queen: One queen runs the whole hive. Her job is to lay the eggs that will spawn the hive’s next generation of bees.
- Workers: These are all female and their roles are to forage for food (pollen and nectar from flowers), build and protect the hive, clean and circulate air by beating their wings. Worker bees generally fly around the beehive.
- Drones: These are the male bees, and their purpose is to mate with the new queen. Several hundred live in each hive, but when the weather is cold enough and there’s not much food left inside the hive, the drones are kicked out!
2. The queen can live up to five years. She can lay up to 2,500 eggs a day. If the queen bee dies, workers will create a new queen by selecting a young larva (the newly hatched baby insects) and feeding it a special food called “royal jelly“. This enables the larva to develop into a fertile queen.
3. Each bee has 170 odorant receptors, which means they have one serious sense of smell. They use this to communicate within the hive and to recognise different types of flowers when looking for food.
4. Honey bees are fab flyers. A honey bee visits 50 to 100 flowers during a collection trip. They fly at a speed of around 25km per hour and beat their wings 200 times per second. Hence it would have to fly around 90,000 miles (three times around the globe) to make one pound of honey.
5. The average worker bee lives for just five to six weeks. During this time, she’ll produce around a twelfth of a teaspoon of honey. In a country with four seasons, especially from spring to fall, worker bees must produce about 60 pounds of honey to sustain the entire colony over the winter. At a rate of .083 (or 1/12th) of a teaspoon per bee, it takes tens of thousands of workers to get the job done.
6. Worker bees perform different roles throughout their lives. Foragers must find flowers, determine their value as a food source, navigate back home, and share detailed information about their findings with other foragers.
7. Bees work diligently to keep the hive clean. The only bee that defecates inside the hive is the queen, and there are designated bees that clean up after her when duty calls. In general, honey bees are so conscientious, in fact, they’ll die outside of the hive so their corpses won’t contaminate food or pose a threat to nursing young.
From this fact, now you know that even the rawest honey is safe to eat because bees love to keep their environment clean and hygienic. This inspired Madurasa to do the same thing, to keep its quality.
All Madurasa products are HALAL certified from the Indonesian Ulema Council. Madurasa also certainly has GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) and CPPOB (Good Processed Food Production Practices) certifications, so consumers don’t need to doubt whether the raw materials and production processes of Madurasa are carried out correctly.